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About us


Homer First United Methodist Church is located in Homer, NY, next to the West Branch of the Tioughnioga River.  Regardless of the season, the area is beautiful and displays the glory of God.  The Homer First UMC is located on the beautiful green in the center of the historic downtown section of Homer Village.  To the right you can see a winter scene of the lovely gazebo on the green, with the grey stone of the United Methodist Church in the background.


The First United Methodist Church in Homer, NY was incorporated on March 9, 1881 under the name "The First Methodist Episcopal Society of Homer Village, NY".  In 1968, the Evangelical United Brethren Church and the Methodist Church sere formally merged to create the United Methodist Church.  With that merger, the Congregation in Homer was renamed the "First United Methodist Church".


The Homer First UMC congregation is a community of believers where people help one another to grow in Christ's love.  The members work together in three areas as a part of the worldwide ministry and mission of the United Methodist Church


* Grow.
* Respond.
* Be a Neighborhood.


Our first path to living our faith is through the worship of God at our regular Sunday worship service. Our regular worship hour is 9:30 AM.


Christian Education offers our second path to living a full life in Jesus. Our Children's Sunday School meets from September to June during the worship service. Adult groups meet as noted on our calendar.

The pastor leads numerous bible studies throughout the year.  These will be noted on our activities page.


We believe that Church can happen anywhere.  It happens when we create learning opportunities that transform lives. It happens when we create safe environments where children can play and learn. It happens when education makes the path to citizenship a little easier. And when our sacrifices help nourish students’ minds and bodies.  Church happens when we reach out to others in our Neighborhood, our Nation, and our World.  When we are focused on helping the hungry, the needy, the hurting...that’s putting beliefs into action.


Worship, Education, Fellowship and Outreach define our Church.  We are proud to be United Methodists.  We are working to be Disciples of Jesus Christ for the Transformation of the World, starting right here in beautiful Homer, NY.


Together, we can do more.



Snow Covered Branches Over the River, ph
Fall Farmscape, photo by Don Barber.jpg
Apple Blossoms & Dandelions, photo by Do

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Saturday, January 25th found our church hosting it's 166th blood drive.  In this our anniversary month, we once again cruised past our 31 unit goal and collected 40 units.

As always it couldn't have happened without the support of our church volunteers. Rich Tice set up the church dining room. John Dey and Steve Mosier unloaded the van, at 8:00 Saturday morning.  Diane Slade supervised the canteen as well as Sherry and Bob Keep. Steve and Donna Farkas covered the registration table. John and Steve reloaded the van at the close of the drive and Rich saw to it that the dining room was put back in order. I'm grateful for these seasoned volunteers who step up time after time.


The next drive will be March 22nd  from 9am until 2pm and our appointment schedule already has 20 people signed up. Do not be dismayed, open appointments are still available! Donors should plan to get a good night's sleep and hydrate. Scheduled donors can streamline their donation experience and save up to 15 minutes by visiting to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questions on the day of their appointment.


Walk-ins are accepted but those who make appointments are given first priority. To make an appointment, schedule online at or call 1-800-RED-CROSS



Blood Drive  Dates:​​


March 22, 2025

May 24, 2025

August 2, 2025

September 27, 2025

November 22, 2025

Upcoming Blood Drive Dates: September 28, 2024 November 23, 2024 January 25, 2025 March 22, 2025 May 24, 2025

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